With Senator Stephen Conroy joining the raft of Ministers following Julia Gillard out of federal politics, Australia now has a new Communications Minister. Several others have been welcomed back into the fold after the March spill as well.

Deputy Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has taken on the job, Albanese served as Mr Conroy’s ministerial representative in the House. PM Kevin Rudd highlighted the importance of the National Broadband Network in a press conference over the weekend, reinforcing the commitment to overhaul Australia’s lagging infrastructure.

Other Ministerial changes affecting the ICT industry include the return of Ed Husic MP, who has been named Parliamentary Secretary for Broadband. Mr Husic’s work launching the IT Pricing Inquiry has been praised, he had been in political exile since the last leadership spill in recent months, the prominent Rudd supporter is now back on board.

Kate Lundy has been awarded the portfolio of Minister Assisting the Digital Economy, despite being a big Gillard supporter, also Kim Carr is back as Innovation Minister after stepping down following the March spill.