Schools today are quick to roll-out the tablet PCs in the hope of finding a key to unlock new levels of interest and engagement, but a new study has asked whether the push for hand-held tech in the classroom is a help or hindrance.

A new design could soon see the advent of home-use 3D printers that can make objects out of metal.

A deal has been signed which will enhance the logistics and reach of two companies, after they announced a three year partnership.

An audit has reportedly found Victoria’s government cyber-security measures are somewhat lacking, saying it has failed to adequately protect itself from potential attacks.

Optus has held nothing back in its latest ad campaign, unleashing all the fury of a long-time underdog in a damning portrayal of arch-rival Telstra.

An astounding breakthrough has seen scientists use DNA to build near-perfect crystals from scratch, which mimic the structures that make natural crystals so valuable.

The number of Australian teens using their smartphones to access the internet has shot up over the last few years, but unfortunately so has the rate at which embarrassing photos and videos are ending up online.

A Sydney suburb has been awarded for its movements toward online business and lifestyles, and celebrated for stepping beyond the traditional boundaries of bricks and mortar.

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