Archived News for IT Professionals - October, 2014
New research suggests an old product could give the human brain some new functions.
Ebola response left wanting, but NZ may have the key
New Zealand scientists have developed a portable, rapid, DNA testing device for Ebola.
New view for fresh eyes on data
A high-tech and visually-stunning software suite will bring a better look at data.
Air travel boost on eagle's wing
Australian researchers are seeking a patent on an system that mimics the way feathers help birds detect disturbances in the air.
Test success for 32 terabyte cable
An international research team has unveiled new fibre network technology capable of transferring data at a rate of 255 terabits per second.
IP leaks show cost of free trade
An Australian expert has poked holes in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), following further negotiations over the weekend.
Prescribed program puts lives at risk
New Queensland Health software could kill within a month, a report says.
Samsung building a role in gas game
Tech giant Samsung is getting into gas, with word of a near-$1 billion deal to build an advanced liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant.
Vatican books bathed in radiant scanners' glow
The Vatican is taking a high-tech approach to preserving its massive library.
Next-gen ads take junk food viral
Social media has emerged as the hip new place for junk food marketing, with a study showing that adolescents are being made to spread the message about unhealthy food.
Sexting study shows new norm
Sexting is commonplace among Australian teenagers, and a new study shows it has become a fairly normal way for romantic youngsters to interact.
Council phone checks as evidence in wider issue
There is concern over big gaps in government reports on how often Australians' private internet and phone records have been accessed by law-enforcement, and one city council is becoming the poster child.
Beaming with success, physicists bring laser tractors closer
Physicists at ANU have built a tractor beam that uses a laser to repel and attract objects.
3 Greatest Trans-Pacific Hits
Governments representing about 40 per cent of the global economy are negotiating against the interests of freedom, universal health and human rights – and the private talks on peoples’ future will soon continue in Australia.
Easy mix for great power fix
Scientists at China's Nanyang Technology University (NTU) have developed ultra-fast charging batteries that can be recharged up to 70 per cent in only two minutes.Chinese scientists have developed batteries that can be recharged up to 70 per cent in only two minutes.
Questions over good jobs for poor IT work
Reports say Victoria's corruption watchdog has been running a secret investigation over a botched $180 million schools computer project.
Site starts work to build tomorrow's trades
A new deal means Australia’s robot revolution may start just south of Sydney.
Gate swings closed on economic green pasture
Ireland has vowed the shut the door on international tax cheats, but some say it will be left slightly ajar.
Regions' rough reception mapped
The window has closed for regional and rural councils to point out their mobile black spots.
Decades-old record smashed with solar top speed
Australian engineering students have been officially recognised as world record holders for the fastest electric vehicle over a distance of 500 kilometres.
Top shonks get gong for bad business
The 2014 Shonky Awards for poor corporate practice have been handed-out, shining a light on shonkiness in industries from biscuits to banking.