Experts and leaders have gathered at the 2023 Data and AI for Business Conference and Exhibition in Perth to discuss the impending impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on industries. 

The resounding message to businesses was clear: adapt to the AI revolution or face being left in its wake.

However, it was stressed that while certain jobs might be transformed or even replaced, new opportunities and roles would also arise. 

Toby Walsh, Chief Scientist of the AI Institute at the University of New South Wales, said there is a need for individuals to equip themselves with AI skills. 

“The best thing is to make yourself informed, make yourself someone who understands this technology, starts using the technology, it can lift your productivity,” he said.

According to Walsh, AI might even contribute to a 15 per cent growth in the global economy.

The conference aimed to assist business owners in seizing opportunities presented by AI. It brought together scientists, politicians, and tech companies to brainstorm how Australian businesses could harness AI's potential. 

Alex Jenkins, Director of the WA Data Science Innovation Hub, highlighted the relevance of AI across industries. He suggested using AI tools like ChatGPT as a starting point, treating them like a colleague to enhance work efficiency.

The broader implications of AI were also discussed, with excitement about its positive contributions to education and access to legal representation. However, concerns about potential misuse, inequality, and excessive reliance on AI were also acknowledged.

Experts believe the AI revolution is well underway.
Western Australia's Minister for Innovation and the Digital Economy, Stephen Dawson, called on businesses to integrate AI and data into their operations. 

The WA Data Science Innovation Hub, a government initiative supported by Curtin University, aims to keep Western Australia at the forefront of the digital revolution. 

Through advisory services, upskilling programs, and workshops, it connects businesses, government, and academia to advance data science applications.

In a rapidly evolving landscape, the conference underlined that adapting to the AI revolution is not just an option, but a necessity for businesses seeking long-term success.

More details are accessible here.