The Federal Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, Senator Stephen Conroy, will open the 2012 Cybersafety Summit in Canberra on the 12th of June.


At the Summit 150 participants, including members of the Youth Advisory Group on Cybersafety (YAG), will have the opportunity to discuss cybersafety issues in person and get expert advice from industry representatives.


“The 2012 Cybersafety Summit will provide a great chance for me to hear directly from YAG members about how the Government can continue to strengthen our approach to cybersafety issues,” Senator Conroy said.


“Last week we finished our online YAG consultations with over 800 secondary students from 95 schools across Australia. We received some fantastic advice and I look forward to continuing these conversations at the Summit.”


Members of the government’s Consultative Working Group on Cybersafety, including Facebook, the Australian Federal Police, the Australian Communications and Media Authority and the Alannah and Madeline Foundation, will be at the Summit provide expert advice to participants.