Queensland public servants are testing what could be a normal arrangement in the office of the future.

Twenty-seven public servants are involved in the ‘hot-desking’ Flexible Work Centre Trial.

The scheme sees up to with 15 Gold Coast-based State Government employees sharing a single desk, booking time to physically visit their office only when it is actually required.

At all other times, the employees can work wherever they are, suing remote access tools to get the job done.

The trial has been undertaken by staff at the Queensland Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts.

With communication and flexibility as key words, the 12-month trial seeks to evaluate whether public staff could be placed in otherwise commercially-occupied offices.

The trial project costs $130,000, but with less time in transit and work conducted in a more comfortable surround, it is possible that money will be made back in the form of increased productivity.

The trial ends in May next year, at which point all the data collected on the flexible work centres will be used to form new policies.