The University of Sydney has developed a blockchain system for financial transfers that is faster than almost any other.

The Immigration Department and the ATO are failing to meet government cyber-security standards, according to a new report.

The NSW Government is preparing its roads for the driverless vehicles of the future.

Mining automation is set to grow in value by almost 50 per cent by 2023, according to a new report.

NBN Co is testing its cheaper fibre-to-the-curb (FTTC) technology.

A security researcher has discovered a fatal flaw that could affect any network using WPA2 protocols.

Schools may get extra time to transition to NAPLAN online.

Australian researchers have manipulated liquid metal into entirely new two-dimensional materials.

The Federal Government has struck a whole-of-government deal with SAP.

The LGAQ says new digital tools can make many council services more efficient.

Queensland scientists are working to inject human rationality into robots.

Researchers have tracked the collision of two neutron stars based on their gravitational waves.

The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) has provided new details on the theft of 30GB of “commercially sensitive” defence designs.

The Federal Government has not banned beleaguered Russian anti-virus company Kaspersky Lab.

NBN Co says it is “working flat out” to resolve support tickets for new connections.

The NSW Government is considering high-tech triple-0 service upgrades, but there are privacy concerns already.

The World Solar Challenge has wrapped up in Adelaide, but the race to real solar transport continues.

Telstra has used machine learning to check the effectiveness of its advertising spend.

The Federal Government is moving to privatise Centrelink’s much-maligned call centre, triggering outrage from the CPSU.

A huge class action has been launched against the Commonwealth Bank (CBA).

The Australian Taxation Office has launched a four-year project to overcome its repeated IT failures.

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