The South Australian Government has put up $1 million to combine with the Adelaide Council’s $500,000 to provide free high-speed wireless internet across large parts of the city.

The Police Federation of Australia has vowed to be rigorous in its push to reserve the 700MHz frequency on 4G networks for emergency services only.

The Federal Government has increased its funding to encourage small to medium companies to invest in research and development, according to its recent economic update.

The Premier of Tasmania is looking for work on NBN towers to continue, with slow progress and job losses hindering the entire sector.

One of the most-lauded inventions to come from Australia is nearing the end of its patented life.

Some big companies are moving to fill IT positions on a temporary or contingent basis, an authority on hiring says.

Police are concerned that improved internet access thanks to the National Broadband Network will lead to a dramatic increase in people sharing images of child pornography.

The CEO of Dell Computers has had his plan deflated, after he proposed changes to voting rules to allow his bid to buy the slumping personal computer maker.

The University of New South Wales has joined several prominent international institutions by putting some of its courses online through the internet-education group Coursera.

A team of physicists and engineers have bent one of the most basic laws of the universe – slowing down light to a complete stop for a full minute.

The University of Canberra has received a funding boost to assist a program that connects unemployed people with potential careers.

The Communications Electrical Plumbing Union says thousands of electrical and telephone subcontracters could face financial ruin if the timetables and funding for the NBN roll-out are not sorted soon.

A new tool will track and manage the millions of disease-carrying bugs which use cyclones and strong winds as a cover to invade our borders every year.

In a mind-boggling technical achievement scientists at a joint US-Japanese laboratory have implanted false memories in a mouse, leading it to recall an event which never occurred.

A forum for experts and professionals in the computer hardware world has caught a glimpse of the computer-processor future, with a talk on the materials and techniques that will drive the next generation of CPU.

The Australian National University has announced a new effort to make the incredible data-processing abilities of a supercomputer available to laboratories and researchers on every scale.

The United States has made assurances to Russia that it will not kill or torture Edward Snowden of he is handed over, insisting they just want to talk.

The Federal Government is putting the final touches on its ‘Bring-Your-Own-Device’ plan for schools, but already principals say it will only breed schoolyard inequity.

A new study says the rate of hiring in the technology sector has been reduced by a downturn in mining profits.

Farmers are often misrepresented as a technologically-backward lot, but now with the help of the internet, satellites, robots and scientists, some Queensland growers are leaping into the future.  

Half a million people have signed on to the personally-controlled electronic health record (PCEHR) system eHealth, according to the Federal Health Department.

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