Australians were scammed out of $89 million last year, with the latest stats showing the digital con-jobs fleecing thousands of people every year.

Australian researchers are boosting their technological ties with the US, and energy efficiency will be the big winner.

British architects have unveiled their plans for set of massive Chinese skyscrapers, one of which would feed renewable energy into the other.

Just months after it was first commissioned, CSIRO's Australia SKA Pathfinder is now working as a fully fledged radio telescope.

Faster and smaller electronics of all kinds may come from a new manufacturing technique developed in Australia.

A potentially revolutionary water saving device has seen three Australian students represent at a global engineering competition in Amsterdam.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has defended Australia’s role in a multinational spy information-sharing network, and will never apologise for “doing what’s necessary”.

Space communications have moved out of radio and into optical frequencies, with the launch of NASA’s latest technology.

The future of human transport could come from a new building in the UK, with the launch of a centre aimed at catapulting mobility into a new era.

A building in Norway has become the world's first to be renovated to produce more energy than it consumes.

Many have heard of the fight-or-flight choices most creatures face in the wild, but new research has shown that for the fruit fly the choice is a bit more complex.

A new appointment at the company behind the National Broadband Network signals dodgy relationships between the Federal Government and private sector, some say.

Australians love science and technology, but do not really know what it’s all about – according to a new report.

Researchers may be able to get more life out of perennial copper wiring, with a project to both store and conduct electricity within a single cable.

Sperm has been added to the list of natural designs being hijacked by science.

One founder of the internet’s most resilient torrent site has been arrested in Sweden, and will now serve a jail term after years on the run.

In a medical advance straight from science fiction - researchers have used light to create, erase and retrieve memories within the brain of a live mouse.

Google has received 12,000 requests in a single day from people who wanted part of their online history to be “forgotten”.

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