The Western Australian Government has announced the installation of new telecommunication towers in the Wheatbelt, Great Southern and Mid-West regions to improve mobile coverage and acces to high-speed wireless broadband.

State Commerce Minister, Michael Mischin, said that the State Government had committed $39.2 million from the ORyalties for Regions program towards the Regional Mobile Communications Project (RMCP).

“The State Government’s vision for this project was to ensure that users of Western Australia’s major roads and highways have continuous and reliable mobile coverage,” Mr Mischin said.

“What we are seeing is actually a lot more extensive, with some townships such as Bencubbin in the Shire of Mt Marshall, also benefiting from this new infrastructure. 

“After just a couple of months, the shire is sending community announcements via SMS, looking at creating a Facebook page, and adopting modern technologies such as tablets.